Welcome to JC Academy
We are determined to teach our students the best way to communicate in English and prepare them for Cambridge exams. We believe that speaking is the best way to learn a new language so all of our teachers speak a native level of English.

Our Story
Education. Exploration. Satisfaction.
We founded J&C Academy with one goal in mind: giving our students the best, most rewarding learning experience.
J&C Academy is located in L'Ametlla de Mar and reflects the vibrant energy of the area. Our passionate and skilled team members are here to help students achieve their goals. Are you ready to reach your potential? Join us today!
Road to proficiency
*Students can join different groups depending on their level.
P4 - 5th Primary
A basic ability to communicate and exchange information in a simple way.
2nd & 3rd ESO
The ability to express yourself in a limited way in familiar situations and to deal in a general way with nonroutine information.
Most Universities require a minimum B1 level to enter.
2n Batxillerat +
Candidates who have taken C1 Advanced will be confident and flexible language users and should be able to flourish in an academic environment.
An ability to deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts.
6th Primary & 1st ESO
4th ESO & 1st Batxillerat
The capacity to achieve most goals and express yourself on a range of topics.
Get in touch
Carrer Països Catalans, 63 baixos
43860 L'Ametlla de Mar, Tarragona
686 75 59 63